As someone who is Asian, I fall into the category as one of the races that historically vote the least. I know a lot of my Asian-American friends are afraid to voice their political views at the risk of falling into a debate and having to face controntation. We are an educated people, with 50% of the Asian population having a college degree, compared to 25% of the entire US population. I haven't located voting stats on the Asian-American population just yet, but based on college enrollment numbers, I think it is probably an even higher percentage. If there is any truth in the studies showing educated people as more likely to vote, I expect to see more Asians at the polls or sending in their votes. It is good to know this election is already bringing more Asians out from our passive past, and I hope this election will rid us of the "silent minority" stereotype (The Associated Press). [APIA Vote represents a national, nonpartisan and nonprofit organization that encourages Asian Pacific Islander Americans to vote at the national, state, and local levels.]
It all boils down to voting. I've already voted, so I know my opinion will be counted. Make sure yours will be too. NOVEMBER 4, 2008...Vote or Die! (Thank you, Diddy.) Regardless of who you support, PLEASE PLEASE vote smart. EDUCATE yourself on current issues and where each candidate stands. Please be KNOWLEDGABLE about who you vote for. I feel like too many young adults/college students are bandwagon voters, which is not cool. No matter what the outcome, I trust that God's hand is over this election, and more importantly, the future of our country.
I really hate coming-and-goings. You know, when you enter someone's life briefly and then you or they part ways indefinitely. And this is often someone whom you feel a connection with...either one of potential lasting friendship or romantic possibilities. It's often open-ended, when it doesn't need to be. We should stop being so afraid of saying what we really think and want at the risk of being rejected. Fear holds us back. Fear causes us to miss out. I've been known to have body-mind conflicts. My body wants to act differently than what my mind knows is right. It is a battle that my mind has come close to losing.